May 22, 2008

The long 300 KMs stretch from Merida to Cancun

The road was fast ... perfect highway, not much traffic, we rode along at good speed. We knew we it would be harder to find a place to camp along the 300 kms stretch of no mans land, so we tough about doing the overnight marathon... drive from Merida to Cancun, we had already been driving most of the day, but we felt good, roads were good, we had a good night sleep the night before. We were now getting further away from the ocean since we had to cross the mainland to the other side of the Yucatan. But all can never be to good... 25kms from Merida, 11pm needing some food and drink, looking forward for a break in Merida. I see Cal pull over in my rear view mirror, so I stopped. Then I hear Cal - " My CLUTCH! " cable broke. Great! What to do... fix it here by the hwy while cars drive by us at 11pm at 100miles / hr... not a good Idea. " OK, I push you, and shift on 2nd gear and go...." so we drove the 25kms to Merida. Pulled in at a gas station to fix the clutch. All I wanted now was a cold beer and fix Cal's Bike. NO BEER, they don't sell beer after 5 on sundays.. great so no beers. Greasy hands and one hour later we were ready to hit the road again. We knew Merida wasn't an option place to sleep, as it's a pretty big city, so we were back on the road...( by now we got the hang of the night driving, felt safe on the road, - only on certain roads- there is less traffic and don't have the heat of the sun beating on us) - getting late now we were getting tired. We started to scope out for a camp spot. I pull over on a dirt road, ... sweet, this is good! so we hung our hammocks. Few minutes later Cal looks under is Hammock... look!!! shit!! About a million ants are all over the place, army ants! not a good idea. It reminded me of a couple friends on mine T&T on their journey to South America, they had set their tent in the wrong spot and woke up with a nice surprise... red ants eating away the bottom of their tent!
"lets get out of here!" back on the road. I pulled in at a school yard, "looks like a good spot, safe, away from the road, and it's a school. We hung our hammocks between the school fence and a tree, happy once again to find a good spot.
Cal pulls out his sleeping bag, "F&%K!!!" ... "What" I ask - his bag had a hole from the muffler, went threw the bag and burnt a big hole in his sleeping bag. Pulls out his sleeping bag, feathers flying everywhere, smelling like a dead duck.
Another rough night for Cal. "We needed to get rid of things to make our load lighter and smaller... so thats a good start, too hot anyways for the sleeping bag!!" trying to make him feel better." Ya"... he says, "good night,.. F*%K"!!!"

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