June 19, 2008


When travelers arrive in Guatemala, Antigua is usually number one on their hit list. Nestled between three volcanoes, it offers a true colonial feel with cobbled streets, mustard and ochre colored houses. A popular destination for those wanting to perfect their spanish with many schools available.
Antigua was founded in 1543 and served as the colonial capital for 233 years. The capital was transferred to Guatemala City in 1776, after Antigua was put down by an earthquake in 1773. You can see some of the remains of the effect where the preserved some of the buildings.
Fancy restaurants with beautiful courtyards, gift shops, and bars, Everything to please a happy traveler.
We spent 3 nights here, one day fixing our bikes racks and frames and another doing the tourist thing ... found my hammock!
It's time to hit the road again, today we jump back in the saddle and make our way to El Salvador. We hope to cross today, but as we now know.... the roads always take twice the time expected, but we are heading back towards the ocean. I look forward to trying out my new hammock and the smell of the ocean again also a new country. Lets just hope that sunshine will fallow us, as in the afternoons these days, we get hit with pretty heavy storms, after all, we are in the wet season! But we have been lucky at staying dry...

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