May 11, 2008

Xilitla to Gulf Coast

It must of been up there in the 40's as we left Xilitla, the waterfall swim was refreshing before hitting the road, excited to continue on south, we decided on a new route, first plan was to drive straight south, but after the intense heat of the inland from the last week, Cal said...." we should go to coast, let's hit the beach!" mmmm, good Idea, lets drive East then fallow the coast south and make our way to Orizaba (we plan to climb the highest point in Mexico) So off we go, back down the same 15 km road we drove up the night before, beautiful lush green mountains, windy roads, bikers dream....
8 hours later, bikers dream became bikers nightmare, 200 + km's later, and over 500 Topez (speed bumps) threw narrow high mountain passes, sometimes heat up to 45 c!!! we were really looking forward to the beach. Passing small towns, Pemex gas stations didn't come to often, at on point pushing our distance to where to tough we would for sure run out of gas... we've been going for 100 kms... next Pemex 70 kms!! shit.. passing threw a small town, next thing you know, see a sign on a tree.... GASOLINE VENTA !!! ouff, saved! Filled up the bikes. 70 kms, not bad... should take us maybe 1 1/2hrs but no... more like 3hours with the last 20kms of dirts road, pot holes and Topez every 1 km, it was the longest 20kms ever. Beers were good after this one!

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